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Saturday, January 24, 2009

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Natural RemedyDiet ? Healthy Eating And Exercise


Diet ? Healthy Eating And Exercise

Submitted By: Helen Cox

Our life and health is impacted every day by the food we eat. Your body needs a constant supply of energy to fuel your heartbeat, breathing, digestion and to help repair body tissue. This energy is measured in calories. To maintain a healthy balance with calorie intake and fat intake in mind, you need to find a balance in the food you choose to eat.

There are five main food groups which people should be eating a varied mixture of on a daily in order to maintain healthy eating. Starchy foods make up one of these groups. Starchy foods refer to bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. These foods are your main source of carbohydrates and make up half of your daily energy intake. You need a sufficient amount of starchy food just like you need a strong amount of dairy products. Dairy products are rich in protein and your best source of vitamin D and Calcium. As well as starchy foods and dairy products you also need some intake of fats and sugar. Your fat intake should not exceed 35% but you should not cut it out of your diet completely as fat is the most energy dense nutrient that your body can get.

Probably the most important out of the five food groups however is fruit and vegetables. It is said that you should have at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. There is strong evidence that by doing this you are reducing the risk of things such as heart disease.

There is strong evidence that suggests by eating healthy you are reducing the risk of illness such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and several types of cancer, including bowel cancer. Having a healthy diet is important and can potentially extend your life.

Healthy eating can however be overlooked when it comes to dieting. The image of slim women is all that greets us in fashion magazines, the music industry and the film industry. These images are burned into our minds as what we should all look like and women and men across the country are doing anything they can to lose weight, including risking their health.

Every where we look there are new diet fads appearing, this is especially evident across the internet. The list of these diets seems never ending and most offer a quick fix to lose weight fast. One of these diets is the Atkins diet. On the Atkins diet you are encouraged to eat all types of meat, cheese, eggs and fats (butter or oils); completely throwing out the fact you are supposed to keep your fat intake down to around 35%. You are also told to limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat on this diet, which again throws out the fact that carbohydrates make up half of your daily energy intake.

Another diet fad that has grown in popularity is the liquid diet. Even though medically it is only really safe to go on this diet if you are going to undergo a medical procedure such as a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy; people are using it as a way of losing weight fast. In certain cases of extreme obesity, a liquid diet is used to make the person lose weight. A liquid diet either partially replaces meals or completely does meaning that your only intake will be fluids such as teas and juices.

A liquid diet could possibly disrupt the natural flow of your body and will not provide you with enough nutrients, energy or protein to get you through the day. A liquid diet will also not teach individuals the requirements of healthy eating to maintain weight loss over a long period of time.

Diet fads are growing more popular but these are just quick fixes and will not help you in a long term sense. The best way in order to loss weight as well as keeping a good balance of the five food groups is to eat the right foods in the right quantity. Cut out sugary snacks and replace them with more fruit intake; vary your diet so you aren?t eating the same things over and over.

As well as eating the right type of food you should also start a regular exercise programme which will get you in shape faster than any diet fad will. Regular exercise will not only keep you healthy it could also be the reason as to why you live longer as taking regular exercise will help to prevent against things such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Medical guidelines state that healthy adults should be getting at least 30 minutes of intense activity five days a week. This exercise can be anything from walking, mowing the lawn, dancing, cycling, any type of sport, aerobics or even weight training. The key to exercise is finding one that best suits you.

Exercise combined with a good diet, which incorporates all of the five food groups is all you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to lose the weight that you want.

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NutritionStaying Thin with the Right Diet

Staying Thin with the Right Diet

News Flash! This just in hot off the presses

Researches now say that that Atkins and other low-carbohydrate diets do not help when it comes to staying thin. In a comparison between low-carbohydrate, low fat and reduced calorie diets, all participants started to regain weight after six months, and by twelve months there was little difference between the groups. "There is no clear evidence that Atkins-style diets are better than any others for helping people stay slim, despite the popularity and apparent success of the Atkins diet," says Professor Arne Astrup of RVA University in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Okso maybe this is a bit melodramatic, but it drives home a point. We are living in a world of dietary confusion, a Land of Oz and make-believe, where facts are hard to find and commercial diets aim to keep us in a confused state and distract us from the truth. This is just one of the many barriers that people face when trying to lose weight.

So how are we expected to deal with all this dietary misinformation? Here is a suggestion. Ignore the hype, find a safe and healthy diet that makes good common sense, and stay with the plan for life. While this might not seem like any great revelation, its amazing how many dieters beat their heads against the wall struggling to lose weight, hoping that this time the results will be different. My friend, if this describes your experience with dieting, you are following the wrong plan and need to consider a different approach.

Think back for a moment about how many times you have heard that to lose weight you must be disciplined in your approach. Or to put it another way, to lose weight you must be willing to just give up eating your favorite foods (like ice cream) and dining at your favorite places (yes, those fast foods are definitely out of the question). If this ill-advice actually worked, The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics would no longer rank obesity as one of their leading health problems!!

It's not that Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach or any other weight loss plan can help us to lose weight. Ask almost anybody, and they will tell you its a snap to lose a few pounds. And, in fact, it is! We have no problem at all losing weight on virtually any diet. The problem surfaces its ugly head when we step on the scale six months down the road. Our high hopes and aspirations for losing weight get crushed when we realize that our weight, like the prodigal son of Biblical report, has found it's way back home.

Take a moment to consider this fact: According to a nationwide survey (Gardenburger Inc.) it is estimated that more than three-quarters of all women between the ages of 25 and 54 make a decision to lose weight each year. In this same survey, nine out of ten respondents reported disappointing long-term results (some respondents actually gained weight instead).

You see, losing weight is easy! Anyone on basically any diet can lose weight. The difficult and tricky part is in keeping the pounds from creeping back-on over time.

We've been misled with just about every possible explanation and cause for gaining weight, ad-infinitum. If it's not our lack of commitment, then its our low self esteem, failing to plan, or for some other reason. You name it, and there's an explanation out there! But, the truth be known, when it comes to getting and staying slim, most of these explanations dont make much sense.

What really, really matters in the long run is whether our everyday eating habits and energy intake are in-balance with our everyday energy expenditure.

The reason 95% of commercial diets eventually fail is because they violate this simple principle. They are designed for the quick fix, not for normal everyday eating that can last a lifetime. Most commercial diets require additional time and effort to start and follow, and worse, attempt to deprive us of our favorite foods and stop us from eating at our favorite restaurants.

With our busy schedules and increasing demands both at home and work, trying to find even an extra 10 minutes a day can be a challenge. Spending hours, or even days trying to adjust to a new diet plan is not only unrealistic, but is a total waste of precious time!

We all love the novelty and intrigue of trying something different and starting the next new fad diet plan is no exception. But unfortunately, the outcome for most of these plans is unsatisfactory. Once the novelty and excitement wear off were usually right back to where we started.

Attempts to force-fit changes in our diet generally follow a pattern that goes something like this

- We start a new diet program. Excitement runs high, we are motivated to the max, the pounds are dropping like crazy, and the World is a wonderful place.

- Our busy schedule gets even busier. There are kids to take care of, bosses to satisfy, and of course there are always those new diet guidelines to learn and follow.

- At some point we find ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a time management crisis, and looking for ways to save time.

- We decide to skip a few of the time consuming special diet meals and recipes just this once.

- Our stash of diet foods starts getting depleted, theres no time for a full-blown grocery shopping experience, and we make the inevitable run to our local convenience store instead (oops how did those snacks get into the grocery cart anyhow?).

and so goes the story. We soon find that the restrictions, regulations and requirements of our new diet are incompatible with our normal eating habits. Before we even realize whats happening were back to our old unhealthy, but more convenient way of eating. And the pile of dieting books and other special dieting paraphernalia we spend our hard earned money buying continues to grow.

The moral of the story is this; beware of diets that come loaded with all sorts of gimmicky and strange requirements and attempt to change our normal eating behavior. They are doomed to failure right from the start.

Find a diet that is practical, nutritious and in-balance with your everyday energy requirements. The home delivery plans on my web site are specifically designed to help you overcome this obstacle. Having your diet delivered to your door virtually eliminates slipping back into bad habits. Do this, and you are guaranteed success!

About the Author

Mark Hogan

Welcome Weight Loss

Resources for Dieting & Weight Loss



Mark has written over 50 articles in the health and weight loss fields. He reviews weight loss products and posts excellent articles on his web site http://www.WelcomeWeightLoss.com

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